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  • MobileGamingProject

“Mobile gaming is Gaming” someone said...

Updated: Jan 14, 2019

Mobile Me & You Project (Gaming Community)Part VI |"New Consumer Trends" - "Mobile Reputations" course | Panteion University

Giannis is the name of our next guest and we are about to present you his side of the story about gaming. But first let’s check his routine with his mobile phone and talk a little about him.

Giannis Mollas is 24 years old and he has graduated from an IEK of graphic art. He is working as a social media operator for a gaming company. He uses his phone around 5 hours per day. He has an affair with social media platforms, setting at the top of his list Facebook, after that Twitter and then Instagram. He thinks that Twitter is actually cool, but almost dead in Greece, comparing to other European countries that make an extreme use of it. So, social media is the first thing he checks in the mornings, as it is also his job, and after that he schedules his day by using some apps, like notes and Gmail. Also, one of the apps that he finds absolutely necessary is the alarm clock. He will miss the whole day without it. At last, he also buys online games, clothes or accessories for his PC from Gearbest and Steam. Therefore, his mobile phone consists an asset in his life, as it is being used for work, entertainment (gaming) and as a source of information (news). When we asked how he would react if he lose it, he answered specifically: “If I lose it, I will go mad and everyone who tells something different than this, he is just lying”. However, as he claims, he is not addicted to it.

Continuing, as far as gaming is concerned, he spends around 5 hours per day on playing on his computer (3h) and mobile phone (2h). Although this doesn’t seem much, he characterizes himself as a “die hard gamer”. He explains that gaming is a lovable part of his life and he wishes he had more free time to play. Probably, if he was unemployed, he could devote the whole day, or the whole night to be more specific, to gaming. Some of the games he plays at the time are: Clash Royale & Survival Heroes.

Regarding gadgets, we were surprised to see a different belief from the rest of the gamers interviewed. Giannis stated that he does not express particularly a preference for gaming on computer or mobile. He thinks of them as two equal categories and so sometimes when he is being home and playing games on computer, he may leave it aside and start playing on his mobile. This is happening because, as he says, there are different kind of games on mobile, which usually require less effort from the user.

It goes without saying that he has a feeling of belonging to the gaming community. However, he doesn’t follow influencers. He only sometimes watches live streaming in platforms, like Twitch, in order to get informed about new releases. He also doesn’t like sharing content. He buys games when he finds some really interesting, but he doesn’t purchase the latest ones. What’s more, he sometimes pays for equipment or weapons for his army. For him Gaming comes first, Streaming second and Social Brand at last.

That was all for today. Thank you Giannis for sharing your story with us, you really helped us learn something new. See you all in our next interview.

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