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After reporting our results and insights about millennials we wanted to compare our finding with Global Trends to check what they have in common.

According to Global Consumer Trends 2019 (Mintel), consumers are more passionate about wellbeing and they love taking care of their physical body and health. So, this comes along with the fact that many millennials download workout applications and apps that measures calories, steps and heart rate. 


What’s more, as Gabrielle Lieberman, Director of Trends and Social Media Research Americas, stated “From the cars we drive to the devices we use and the home we live in, consumers expect high levels of intuitiveness, responsiveness and functionality”. That’s’ why most millennials, according to our survey, likes the handiness of buying online products from the comfort of their house in a minute, while if something isn’t functional, they immediately resort to another solution, like putting aside their mobile and using their computer instead.

Moreover, the global research announces that we live in an era of a growing momentum of challenges that motivate us to reach new heights and uncover new passions. We, as millennials, have the feeling of setting new goals constantly and surpassing them. Some given examples are that 24% of Brazilians share content on social media in order to gain likes from friends and 27% of Chinese order something in restaurants that they haven’t tried before. So, these can be a considerable reason why millennials like using social media and sharing content on such platforms (that sometimes they edit it to make it perfect), as well as downloading games and applications (eg. workout goals). On that point, we will also quote what Simon Moriaty, Director of Trends EMEA, said: “Consumer comfort zone are expanding as they use social media to compete with and offer aspiration to their peers.” This can make us consider the thoughts of our interviewers about influencers and their producing content.


Being in a digitalized era means that we are always on display and that we have created a digital persona that can be either trustworthy or devasted by complains. This affects both companies and persons. According to the survey, 73% of US adults Gen Z (aged 18-22) buy products from brands they trust and 17% of Brazilians millennials (aged 19-35) agree that they have the power to influence others through social media. We confirm such a belief as during are interviews we discover that most of the people buys online from the same well-known platforms., such as Skroutz, which are considered as value for money.


Furthermore, technological breakthroughs contribute in redefining adulthood. As it is written “more and more consumers are commonly relying on technology to manage their everyday adult tasks”. It would be an omission not to mention here that mobile phone undeniably helps everyone organize his routine from the moment of waking up till the end of the day.


Last but not least, the Global Consumer Trends (2019) published that constant digital connectivity has created users the feeling of loneliness, as physical interactions have been replaced by digital updates. What’s more, 32% of Chinese consumers (aged 20-49) plays online games in order to make more friends. This comes to a disagreement with our research as our all interviewers always feel connected to the world and their beloved ones thanks to social media. Apart from that, they also prefer playing games on mobile phones in cooperation with their friends, while some also say that playing with others is just ok, because this is how community works. Besides, they have nothing to be afraid of and so they do. But not one of them stated that he plays games on the altar of socialization. 


Apart from this survey, we also emphasized on Global Mobile Consumer Trends (Deloitte). To commence with the First edition of the survey we were surprised to see some hard facts about mobile usage. More specifically,


  • in developed markets, the owners of gadgets are:

              76% of smartphones           8% of wearables            54% of tablets             6% of all


  • In emerging markets, the owners of gadgets are:

             81% of smartphones         11% of wearables            53% of tablets              8% of all


Globally, almost all mobile consumers check their phones within 3 hours of waking up (93% of users in emerging markets/ 78% in developed markets check it an hour or less of waking up). What exactly are they checking?



















On the same topic, the Global mobile consumer trends: Second edition published that more than 1/3 of consumers worldwide check their phone within five minutes of waking up in the morning and 20% of them check their phone more than 50 times a day. These analytics are confirmed by our own research as everyone claimed that checking social media is top priority every morning.


As far as mobile payments are concerned, according to the First Edition, in emerging markets consumers pay for their shopping, at restaurants and in taxis. In developed markets, on the other hand, more northern Europeans pays for transport, while central and southern Europe for food and shopping (lifestyle). However, approximately 40% of the consumers globally are concerned that mobile payments are not secure enough. Second edition also claims that only 1/3 of consumers makes mobile payments. Such a belief is being supported by most Greek people as well, since through our local and global research we conclude that Greek millennials are more afraid of paying online services compared to people living abroad. Nevertheless, when it comes to products there is a whole different story. Many of them shop online products, but when they do, they prefer using a Paypal card.

Here is the end of our project. We came to some interesting conclusions about millennials and we are more than happy to discover that they are compatible with global trends. We hope this project can be a credible source of information for anyone who wants to learn a few things about the generation of millennials, specifically the community of gamers, and the way they’re using their mobile phone.


You can also read it on Medium

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