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Mobile Me

Step 1

​This is the first step of our research. We began by analyzing how we, as millennials, use our mobile phone daily. Here are some videos about us.

Mobile Me & You

Step 2

The next part of our research reveals how our friends have shaped their lifestyle around their mobile phone. We can get a clear insight about their hobbies and interests. Here is a video about their story.

Mobile Me & You


Step 3

Since we managed to find out some data about mobile usage from our circle of friends, we also wanted to move to an international level. We asked two girls, who live abroad, to describe to us how significant is mobile phone for them and what applications they mostly use.

First Insights about Millennials

Step 4

​Taking into account what we had already found, we also collaborated with our fellow students and the research they have done on their own as well, and so we reached to some conclusions about millennials and the importance of mobile phone in their life. We created a poster with post-it that write down our results of the surveys and we concluded to some first insights about them. 

Interviews about gaming community

Step 5

But our survey didn’t stop at that point. We also wanted to discover a specific community and the way they are using their mobile to fulfill their wishful thinking. So, we stepped into the world of mobile gaming by creating a guide with questions and we interviewed twelve gamers in order to learn all about their story. This is what we present you in this part of our project.

Results & Insights

Step 6

At this final step of our journey we report the results of our whole research from the beginning of our project. We feel like we got a deeper understanding of millennials and we write down our thoughts about them.

​Comparison with Global Trends

Step 7

At last we compare our research with Global Consumer Trends 2019 (Mintel) and Global Mobile Consumer Trends (Deloitte): First & Second Edition to check if they have something in common or not.

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